👁‍🗨Landing Page – I Put This Here for a Reason  
Who Is With You
••Happening Somewhere
αÑ  We need to have a Relationship
!!  The exploration of the subatomic world in the twentieth century has revealed the intrinsically dynamic nature of matter.  
ÇÇ  What you think becomes your reality / Vonnegut
░░The Shadow Self
ccControl Culture – Philip Slater
„…„  Mystery or inability to perceive?
©©  Kant and Video (A New Leaf)
Æ  In the Fall the grass is cut down …..
B&B Beavis & Butthead
INA Time to Turn Inward
BQThe Big Question
§§  The Board
⌂⌂  Retreat can become Resistance
Θδ  Shakespeare, Fritjof Capra, Raising Arizona
φ■ Saul Alinsky – History does not repeat specific situations….
 The Magician
▓ √ Change Happens at the Periphery
╙╥  AR Ammons – Making Fields
IQIs the Internet making us dumber?
╬╬  Comparison is the Thief of Joy
▐ß  The universe is an interconnected whole …..
MR  Rothko Dialogue
£Ÿ  People are inevitably characterized by what they care about.
 What does success look like?
EH  People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.  Eric Hoffer
$$  A New Leaf – you have no money
SWThe entanglement of running toward and away from pure beauty – Simone Weil
CM  The Tropics – Czeslaw Milosz
τΦ  Why curse the darkness when you can light a candle?
DD  You pick the Devil you run with.
WooThe Woo Woo
Θ→Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
☼☼ Humans are Energy Beings
ÿó  Beginning to see past the end of the party.
SA╩ Something snapped in my ass
R  Restraint / Mrs. Cunliff
//  Propaganda – Eric Hoffer
FS  Perhaps, when we incarnate into this world as individual beings ………  
¿?Symbols, Sigils, Hexagrams, Mandalas
╥╖Taking Stock; Maria Popova
∞∩  Judging Race – Eric Hoffer / Introductions at Tea
ßßBarbarism – Simone Weil
¥╫  When we make something / the stuff of this world
48Control – Hexagram and Car beating clip
R∙≥Girl Walks Out of a Bar
WHWhite haired women
8►Do Good; Friends
ΦΦConscious time versus unconscious time
Wrong Choices
δxBe the Change
“I”The Reality We Project is the Reality We Live In
We Are Not Meant to Transcend
ŸThe Dark
Transcendental Consciousness
ΣvThe Woods
ÊX  Explanation and Contact
LsLast Stands
HMGThe Details
See Into
º¬Smelt It – Delt It
 TOC This Page
Your ThoughtsYour Thoughts – This is a working feedback page (unlike the Comments)